220: The Nomadic Adventure of Making Buildings More Smart-er (Felicite Moorman of STRATIS IoT)


Background on Felicite Moorman of STRATIS IoT:

Felicite Moorman is the CoFounder of STRATIS, a RealPage Company, and SaaS Platform for large-scale Internet of Things installations. STRATIS was named a top ten “Best Company in America” by Entrepreneur Magazine and ranked in the top twenty percent of Inc Magazine’s “Fastest Growing Companies” three consecutive years prior to acquisition. Felicite was simultaneous CEO of BuLogics, which designed, built, and certified hardware, software, and ecosystems for the Internet of Things.

Felicite is an attorney turned multi-exit technology entrepreneur. She’s received EY’s Entrepreneur Of The Year® Award and has earned an international reputation as a go-to IoT industry expert, developing pioneering strategic partnerships and unprecedented technology strategies and initiatives for the Internet of Things. She is also is an international speaker and columnist, and has been featured as a thought leader in dozens of mass media outlets and publications.

Prior to STRATIS and BuLogics, Moorman launched the Emerging Technologies Division for GE’s Consumer and Home Electronics brand. Moorman quickly established her reputation in technology, engaging eight Fortune 500 companies in less than eighteen months, entering new vertical channels, and creating and beginning execution on the strategic plan to dominate the Internet of Things lighting peripherals market. Today the GE lighting line is a part nearly every home automation and security platform offered in the United States.

Time-Stamped Show Notes:

  • [1:32] Felicite Moorman is the Co-Founder of Stratis, which is a category creator in the Prop Tech industry and they have been running for almost a decade.
  • [4:27] Prop Tech is all about property technology. Felicite offers more explanation about the prop tech industry.
  • [9:56] In their first year, Stratis made a million dollars.
  • [11:29] When the company started, it was only Felicite and her co-founder, which was a real challenge for them.
  • [15:18] In the early days of Stratis, they were focused on thermostats.
  • [17:40] As an entrepreneur, Felicite is wondering if a bootstrapped startup can compete in a venture capital world.
  • [20:21] Felicite has always bootstrapped throughout her entrepreneurial career but competing in a venture capital world has been an eye-opener for her.
  • [24:16] Bootstrapping will always be something that she would prefer to do all the time.
  • [25:10] At 12 years old, Felicite had her own babysitting business with a business card.
  • [28:02] Felicite talks about her parents and her early childhood.
  • [33:52] When she was in her 5th grade, Felicite went to three schools in one year. This experience gave her a deeper understanding of personal evolution.
  • [40:04] Felicite has been married and divorced a couple of times.
  • [46:21] One of the universities that Felicite went to was the University of Redlands in California.
  • [47:48] Environmental activism was a huge deal for Felicite when she was still in college.
  • [50:16] Wherever her car breaks down, she enrolls in college until she was able to reach the east coast.
  • [56:19] From being a waitress in a restaurant, she eventually got a job related to real estate.
  • [59:45] She worked as a campaign manager for a freshman delegate in Maryland.

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Fabulous 4 Questions:

  1. 📖📚 Favorite Books? Linchpin by Seth Godin
  2. 🙌😎 Favorite Amazon.com purchase? Scuba Gear or Dance Dresses
  3. 🌱💸 Favorite Tool that’s GROWN your Business? The Google Suite allows easy collaboration and I just can’t replace it
  4. 💭💡 BIGGEST Challenge keeping your Business from GROWING? Acquired

Key Point from the Interview:

  • “Find some way to deliver your talents and your skills, whether it’s volunteering or whether it’s on the marketplace, traditionally, action alleviates anxiety. So all of the pain and all of the fear that the world is somewhat chock full of right now, you can alleviate your own anxiety by just delivering your talents and skills.”


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