P05: ⚔ US Army Veteran ⚔ takes on the Software Business (Jeffrey Palermo of Clear Measure)

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Jeffrey Palermo of Clear Measure explains how his tech solutions for the US Army eventually lead to the creation of his Software Development company…

Jeffrey Palermo serves as the Chief Architect of Clear Measure, Inc., a software architecture company that empowers development teams to be self-sufficient: moving fast, delivering quality, and running their systems with confidence. Many of Jeffrey’s teachings can be found on Clear Measure’s Empower website.

.NET DevOps for Azure is his latest publication and has been deemed #1 on Book Authority’s top 10 reads for 2020. Along with a few editions of ASP.NET MVC in Action in print and on Safari Online, Jeffrey has also written for CoDe Magazine, spoken at Microsoft Tech Ed, Ignite, VSLive, and the perpetrator of the Onion Architecture pattern.

Time-Stamped Show Notes:

  • [0:07] Clear Measure Incorporated is a software engineering company that focuses on helping programmers and software developers to become world-class.
  • [1:31] Jeffrey explains how Clear Measure makes money.
  • [3:53] One example of their service is automating the work of a medical transcriptionist to make it easier for doctors and health professionals.
  • [7:20] Being an army reservist, he went to the Iraq war. Jeffrey talks about his experience during the war.
  • [11:04] In 2007, Jeffrey started his first software consulting company.
  • [12:25] Today, Clear Measure has no outside investors who own any shares of the company. Jeffrey prefers this strategy instead of having investors.
  • [15:54] The first year of Clear Measure was very good for Jeffrey and his co-founder. They were at a million and a half in revenue in their first year.
  • [17:35] Jeffrey signed up to a business course called The 4 Day MBA by Keith Cunningham, which he highly recommends.
  • [24:22]5 In terms of managing their customer engagements, they use this software called Azure DevOps Services.
  • [26:10] Jeffrey offers an important tip for business owners and leaders who want to know more about integration between systems.
  • [27:44] A word of caution for entrepreneurs who are planning to undertake a custom software project for the first time.
  • [33:30] The responsibility and obligation to the employees is the hardest thing when growing a business, according to Jeffrey.
  • [35:05] Building a routine helps Jeffrey deal with burnouts. He creates a space for himself, which he calls “thinking time.”
  • [37:51] Selling the company is not included in Jeffrey’s exit strategy.
  • [41:14] Additional tips from Jeffrey regarding remote work and handling a virtual team.

Fabulous 4 Questions:

  1. 📖📚 Favorite Books? The Phoenix Project by Gene Kim, The Mythical Man-Month by Frederick Brooks, Boundaries by Henry Cloud
  2. 🙌😎 Favorite Amazon.com purchase? Razor Quad (electric four-wheeler for kids)
  3. 🌱💸 Favorite Tool that’s GROWN your Business? Azure DevOps Services
  4. 💭💡 BIGGEST Challenge keeping your Business from GROWING? The demand-generation part of sales. Widespread market name recognition

Key Point from the Interview:

  • “I caution business leaders who have never been involved with a custom software project or a custom software system, jumping into their first one because it could be akin to someone who has never built a custom house wanting to build a custom skyscraper. It’s just a whole different scale and you just need that stepping stone experience in order to make sure that it goes well because it’s froth with risk.”

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Jeff Palermo of Clear Measure

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