178: From Doctor to Google Ads to Million Dollar SaaS Business | Rob Rawson of Time Doctor


Background on Rob Rawson of Time Doctor:

Originally trained as a medical doctor and worked 3 years in hospitals in Australia, Rob Rawson has always had the desire to start and build his own business and started several businesses even during the time when he was studying medicine. He is now the founder of Staff.com, which is software for actionable productivity metrics and Timedoctor.com, which is time tracking and productivity for remote teams.

The Time Doctor team is fully remote and it is made up of more than 85 people in 31 countries. Since their first launch in 2012, their goal has been to empower people to work productively no matter where they are. They all work from home and love having the freedom to choose when and where they want to work while being able to spend more time with their families or travelling.

Time-Stamped Show Notes:

  • [2:01] Robert provides a brief explanation about his company Time Doctor, which helps businesses monitor their team working remotely abroad.
  • [2:42] Time Doctor currently has 98 employees all working remotely in other countries and their revenue is in the mid 7 figures.
  • [3:45] It all started when Robert was working in the Philippines and he wanted to make his team work remotely at home and get rid of the office setup.
  • [7:51] He took up medicine and became a doctor but he also had a lot of interest in being an entrepreneur.
  • [11:43] Affiliate marketing and AdSense was mostly suited for Robert, which made him a generous amount of money while working as a doctor.
  • [17:30] His offshore tax guy got in trouble with the tax authorities in Australia, which got Robert also involved with the authorities. This freaked him out, which made him decide to do business in the Philippines.
  • [22:59] During his early days in the Philippines, Robert never thought about having his employees work remotely at home.
  • [24:50] In the beginning, he wanted to get rid of the cost of renting an office in the Philippines and use his monitoring software for his team.
  • [26:09] It was a struggle to build the software but he found a guy in Russia who had the talent to put it all together.
  • [28:21] Robert had several online startups that failed to work out.
  • [30:37] There were some difficulties and challenges he faced when he tried to invest his money.
  • [35:21] He put in over a million dollars in investment for Time Doctor.
  • [36:15] Robert discusses the growth and development of his company.
  • [40:07] According to Robert, it was a mistake for offering the Time Doctor software as a free product in the early days. There were other big mistakes made in the beginning.
  • [44:20] The company would be a lot more successful if Robert had given all his attention and focus on the business.

This Episode Sponsored By:

  • [10:06] Now more than ever, we need people with the right skills to support our communities, especially the frontline workers who provide resources and care for those most in need. To help, LinkedIn is offering free job post for healthcare and essential service organizations that need to quickly fill those critical roles with the people that would help us all. To post a health care or essential service job for free or if you’re in another industry and have some hiring needs, visit: millionaire-interviews.com/linkedin-jobs
  • [41:19] According to Erica, the Millionaire Interviews Group Call is like a VIP experience where she is surrounded with CEOs who are willing to provide useful feedback. You can join the Group Call by becoming a Patreon member, just visit: millionaire-interviews.com/patreon

Fabulous 4 Questions:

  1. 📖📚 Favorite Book(s)? Lifespan by David Sinclair
  2. 🙌😎 Favorite Amazon.com purchase? Google Wifi
  3. 🌱💸 Favorite Tool that’s GROWN your Business? Breezy HR, applicant tracking system with video interviews
  4. 💭💡 BIGGEST Challenge keeping your Business from GROWING? Finding scaleable, repeatable marketing methods

Key Point from the Interview:

  • “I think one of the things that differentiated me in success now, and also with the Google Adsense was how much I just executed when I saw something that was working.”

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