229: Building a Tech Giant in the Virtual Reality Space | Bart Wilson of VPiX® 360
Background on Bart Wilson of VPix 360:
Bartley Wilson is the Founder and Chief Marketing Officer at Virtual Pictures Corporation. He is a serial entrepreneur, sales rainmaker, and UX/UI developer of the world’s first 360° SaaS platform for commercial and residential real estate. In the early 90s, Bart had a serious motorcycle accident that took him out of the Air Force but eventually led him to discover his passion for computer and graphics. He started doing virtual tour services in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and eventually founded his first company called Voyager International. Today, he runs a highly successful virtual tour platform company called Virtual Pictures Corporation or VPiX.
VPiX is an American, multinational virtual tour platform company headquartered in Monument, Colorado and they are known for creating the first 360 SaaS platform in 1999. VPiX was ranked 214th BEST Company in America by Entrepreneur Magazine. For the third straight year, VPiX is recognized as an innovator in the Virtual Reality (VR) space, providing businesses with customized, on-demand AR, MR, and VR Software as a Service (SaaS) platforms.
Time-Stamped Show Notes:
- [1:29] Bart Wilson is the Founder and Chief Marketing Officer at Virtual Pictures Corporation or VPiX. They have three divisions which are the Virtual Pictures & Virtual Reality SaaS platform, Motorstreet360.com, and the CSI360.net.
- [3:03] Since he had previous experience in digital high-resolution photography and real estate, Bart knew that creating virtual reality and merging it with the internet can be a huge opportunity for him.
- [5:52] Bart simplifies his explanation of the VPiX 360 services.
- [9:19] In 2011, VPiX 360 got a large contract with Wyndham Extra Holidays that lasted for 18 months.
- [11:57] One of their customers is using the VPiX 360 platform for helping people relax during a dental procedure.
- [17:58] In the 90s, Bart had a motorcycle accident that took him out of the Air Force. He shares his story of the accident and how it sparked his interest in computers and graphics.
- [22:47] Bart talks about his experience working at Apple.
- [25:16] After working in Apple, Bart joined Kodak. He was involved in installing technologies into the Pentagon during the Clinton administration.
- [26:58] During his stint in the Pentagon, he met and talked to Colin Powell and other great people. Bart describes what it was like to be inside the Pentagon.
- [29:16] In the mid-90s, Bart took a break from Kodak because he realized that the company was not fully committed to going digital.
- [38:08] Being in Santa Fe, New Mexico, Bart had the opportunity to do a virtual tour and photograph the home of Shirley MacLaine. He also did a lot of virtual tours with other Hollywood celebrities and famous personalities.
- [40:29] People who were supporting Bart with his high-end virtual reality tours convinced him to start his own company.
- [42:19] When he was starting the company, Bart didn’t need a lot of capital. He already had his cameras and lenses, plus he had his skill and passion for this type of work.
- [46:35] In 2001, Bart created software for his business. He also went to the Apple Developer University.
- [53:15] A close friend from Boston gave Bart very meaningful advice that helped him get through a very challenging period in his life.
- [59:42] In January 2010, Steve Jobs presented the first-generation iPad to everyone. The day after the iPad presentation, Bart announced VPiX, which was the first HTML 5 virtual tour from Apple computers.
- [1:04:51] According to Bart, without his wife, he doesn’t think he would achieve success.
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Fabulous 4 Questions:
- 📖📚 Favorite Books? Built to Sell by John Warrillow, Escape Velocity by Geoffrey Moore, Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki
- 🙌😎 Favorite Amazon.com purchase? Bulletproof Lemon Cookie Bars
- 🌱💸 Favorite Tool that’s GROWN your Business? Hubspot CRM
- 💭💡 BIGGEST Challenge keeping your Business from GROWING? Working Capital. We’re ready for our A-Round. Adding people will help us achieve $3M+ in recurring revenue in 2022
Key Point from the Interview:
- “Following some of the advice from Guy Kawasaki and other people who I have been following as my mentors, I took all that advice and gambled everything. Because the very next day, when we announced VPiX on the tsunami wave of Apple Computer, our phones lit up like Christmas trees. Our first phone call was from Wyndham Extra Holidays and it turned into a $379,000 sale in one week.”
Resources Mentioned:
- Email: [email protected]
- LinkedIn: BartWilson
- Twitter: @vpix360
- Facebook: @vpix360
- YouTube: VPiX360
- Instagram: @vpix360
- VPiX360.com
- MotorStreet360.com
- CSI360.net
- VPiX360 Voted as One of the Best Companies In America by Entrepreneurs