P03: Helping Cannabis Companies 🌳 Grow Into Successful Ventures 📈 (Rick Martinez of Green Seed Cannabis)
Video & Audio of Our Call:
Rick Martinez of Green Seed Cannabis tells his story of growing a Medical Staffing Company and how he’s transitioned to helping Startups in the Cannabis Industry…
Rick is a dad, husband, patriot, Ironman, and a purebred hustling cannabis entrepreneur. He is the Founder of Green Seed Cannabis Co. and the host of Weed To Know Basis Media. Graduated with a degree in Nursing, he also served in the US Army as enlisted and later a commissioned officer.
Through his own experiments and experiences, Rick and his company, Green Seed Cannabis Co, can help entrepreneurs build a successful CBD business that works for them.
Time-Stamped Show Notes:
- [1:42] The entrepreneurial journey of Rick Martinez started in 1995 when he finished nursing school.
- [2:42] There are several reasons why Rick chose to become an entrepreneur, even though he was working as a nurse.
- [4:12] Rick shares an interesting story about how he became an entrepreneur and increased his income tremendously.
- [9:33] His first company grew up to 600 employees and became one of the largest government contractors in the US. He sold the company five years ago.
- [13:26] If someone told Rick when he was still starting his own business that he would eventually run a multi-million company earning 7 figures a week, he wouldn’t believe them.
- [15:15] Rick offers his suggestion on saturated industries and differentiating your business from everybody else.
- [20:50] Even though Rick missed a lot of the growing up moments of his kids because of work, he considers it a sacrifice. And because of this sacrifice, his kids also learned many good lessons from him.
- [26:20] Several years ago, Rick discovered his passion for mentoring and advising.
- [28:29] Selling his first company was a very tough moment for Rick.
- [30:09] Being involved in the Entrepreneur’s Organization, Rick fell in love with startup businesses. This introduced him to the CBD and cannabis industry.
- [35:12] Rick explains the business fundamentals and where every entrepreneur should start.
- [37:00] Helping to launch a CBD startup company, starting their own wholesale distribution company for CBD, and mentoring CBD startups, led to their current company Green Seed Cannabis Co.
- [45:04] Rick talks about what Green Seed Cannabis Co is all about.
- [48:12] Currently, Green Seed Cannabis Co has several revenue streams.
- [56:15] The hardest struggle and greatest fear for Rick is not to be eaten by his proverbial tiger.
Fabulous 4 Questions:
- 📖📚 Favorite Books? The Hobbit by JRR Tolkien, 80/20 Sales & Marketing by Perry Marshall, & The Go-Giver by Bob Burg
- 🙌😎 Favorite Amazon.com purchase? Honestly its the mix box of Keurig Flavored Coffees
- 🌱💸 Favorite Tool that’s GROWN your Business? Calendly – Hands down
- 💭💡 BIGGEST Challenge keeping your Business from GROWING? Currently it’s the lack of education in and around the business of cannabis
Key Point from the Interview:
- “You’re all gonna be dead one day. Why not live every day to its max, to its fullest. Why play small, why play for six figures or seven figures when you know damn well somebody is out there playing for eight, nine, and ten. Why not you. And that’s what I say to myself every day when I look in the mirror.”
Resources Mentioned:
- LinkedIn: @purposehack
- Instagram: @planetboy
- GreenSeedCannabisCo.com
- TheRickMartinez.com
- Weed to Know Basis – Podcast Hosted by Rick Martinez
- Entrepreneurs’ Organization
- Cannabis Accelerator, Green Seed Cannabis Co Launches In San Antonio