P15: 🎊 Group Call IV 🎊 Taxes, Marketing, & Ecommerce

Video & Audio of Our Call:

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Surprise!  Your host, Austin Peek, was going to run this Group Call with Raine Mahdi but we had surprise guest show up…  Charles Bonfiglio of Tint World.  So Austin stepped aside and let Charles Bonfiglio of Tint World &  Raine Mahdi of Hawk Packaging run the show. It was an open session where Patreon Members asked us anything… Hope you enjoy…

Want to know more about Charles Bonfiglio? First off, his episodes were awesome!  You can checkout his story on Episode 165: Ex-CEO of Meineke Auto shares his Entrepreneurial Journey.  In fact, his story was so awesome that we split it in two.  Here’s the second part of the story, The Secrets to Creating a Successful Franchise
 like Tint World. Charles has over 35 years of experience in developing and leading top franchise organizations. His particular area of expertise involves successfully developing and growing automotive franchise companies’ sales and profits. His career began as a teenager with a strong passion for the automotive industry that began with customizing cars. This led him to become a successful franchise and real estate developer.

Today, his passion is to help others build their own franchise businesses with an exceptional lifestyle and to live out their dreams of becoming successful business owners. He is a strategically minded visionary and driven entrepreneur who continuously seeks to expand and grow existing business through continuous improvement and maximizing profitability, while developing new revenue generating opportunities through innovation, expansion and multi-channel revenue streams. Charles welcomes new business opportunities, new franchise owners, employees, suppliers, and venture partnerships.

Time-Stamped Show Notes:

  • [2:19] Austin: finally found someone who can out-talk Raine.
  • [3:02] Daniel: Is Developing an eCommerce Business within the Fitness Industry. Think a fitness web app that is similar to Fiverr.
  • [7:58] Charles: Offers some feedback regarding Daniel’s fitness web application.
  • [10:22] Stephen: Adding more unique tools could be beneficial for Daniel’s web app.
  • [11:12] Raine: Shares his insight on how to quickly grow Daniel’s business.
  • [12:23] Erica: Brings up ClassPass, which may have a similar business model with Daniel’s fitness app.
  • [15:35] Tyler: Is in the Real Estate field. He has a question for the group regarding different corporate structures and its benefits.
  • [21:36] Charles: Gives his prediction on when the real estate business will pick back up.
  • [24:29] Erica: Having some experience in real estate, shes advises to be more cautious and wait for a few months before doing any real estate business.
  • [26:58] Rob: Decided to show up to the Group Call because he was bored. Rob shares his background and his businesses to the group. He’s in the Construction Business in Fruitport, Michigan.
  • [30:17] Austin: mutes Raine because of his mmmm sound on the mic.
  • [32:05] Stephen: Asks for help on how to structure commission for a new salesperson in his company.
  • [34:45] Charles: In terms of hiring a salesperson, Charles offers his own insight on this subject matter.
  • [38:42] Austin: started with a base salary of $1,000 per month as a salesperson.
  • [39:57] Raine: Also emphasizes creating a training manual for the newly hired salespeople.
  • [48:10] Austin: Provides some goods suggestions for social media automation tools like Zapier.
  • [48:54] Raine: When it comes to building a following on social media, Raine offers sound advice for Daniel.
  • [53:22] Austin: Asks for help in building up his community.
  • [56:55] Erica: Talks about the benefits of being a Patreon member.
  • [59:35] Charles: When it comes to taking in all that information from podcasts, blogs, and social media, there has to be room to put out positive things and take action.

Our Members on Group Call 004:

Key Point from Group Call 004:

  • Charles: “When it comes to sales people, if you’re not paying them for what you want to accomplish, you will never get it. I don’t care if you give them a million dollars a day, if they’re not incentivized to get something more, they’re not going to perform the way they could. That’s a salesperson.”

Resources Mentioned:

Secret Resources:

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